Here’s the deal – I scour through a ton of reading material each day and to start tracking my reading, I figured it would be a good idea to capture the articles I actually read. Additionally, figured it would be an good throw-back to the days when everyone used to share everything they spent more then 5 minutes reading. That social aspect has mostly been replaced with twitter and facebook, but there is so much weight from commentary and the pressures of the curated timeline results in much more targeted sharing.
So here goes! Today happens to all be fairly general, but I expect some categorization in the future.
- General Articles:
- Amazon releases new Kindle, Amazon creates a system for cheap ebooks if you own a physical copy – I read far too much of this type of ‘news’… I have been considering a new Kindle which I’m vaguely using to justify spending time on these. Interestingly, MatchBook is only for new purchases which may be enough of a benefit to drive new purchases instead of used…
- Can We Lift The Stupid Ban On Importing Cars Under 25 Years Old? – In thinking about possibly buying a car, I’ve become fascinated by the odd laws and regulations that surround car sales, imports, etc. This is the case where there exists an opportunity for arbitrage, but is illegal to protect the sellers.
- Android’s next version is named KitKat and Google, Nestle, And Android 4.4 KitKat: Here’s How It All Went Down – It is an interesting co-branding exercise – probably not really worth spending a lot of time reading about, but this is the risk of reading the news frequently.
- As a datum speaketh – Brief history of visualizations from the Economist. Part of my love of old charts is the “someone manually drew that…” factor.
- Here’s why Microsoft is buying Nokia’s phone business – A bit disappointing really, was hoping for something more interesting than “vertical integration”. The presentation that Microsoft put together to justify the purchase themselves is probably a better use of time…
- __Ten one-of-a-kind cameras from the 21st century – Such click bait that I fell for. It is cool that there has been some experimentation in the digital camera space, but really none of this made me go “ah-ha!”, perhaps validating the typical layout.
- From Mr Average … to superman + Reddit discussion – Bottom line: steroids can be horrible, but it also appears that the author’s approach was effectively the worst, un-researched technique.
One more thing…