Too many articles on the Silk Road bust, but it is fascinating…
- General:
- This world is my weapon: PAR plays Planetary Annihilation – An interesting looking kickstarter I passed on – glad to see it is shaping up well.
- How to: Make DIY Barrel Aged Cocktails At Home (No Barrel Required…) – Aging your own spirits at home. This is solidly one of those “someday I’ll do this” items.
- Don’t hug it out: Hugs are awkward, falsely intimate power plays that must be stopped. – “More often, it is a soulless imposition…”
- Review: Samsung’s Galaxy Note 10.1 may need more time in the oven – I have a note 8.0 that I use for all my note taking – can’t quite tell if the new generation is a step forward or back in that regard.
- The ‘Not on Steam’ sale hopes to make money, and raise awareness of indies not on Valve’s service – Steam is really interesting in how much it dominates the PC gaming space, particularly as it started out fairly reviled. Ease of use and cost won gamers over, but it left games not on steam struggling. Interesting tactic here to raise attention and drive sales.
- Dell Announces Venue 7 And Venue 8 Intel-Based Android Tablets, Coming October 18th For $149.99 and $179.99 – Interesting to see these are intel based devices at an incredibly low price point. Excited to see benchmarks come out.
- Edward Snowden’s E-Mail Provider Defied FBI Demands to Turn Over Crypto Keys, Documents Show, Lavabit got order for Snowden’s login info, then gov’t demanded site’s SSL key – Lavabit records being unsealed. A reminder that unless you physically manage your email server that you have no guarantee of privacy (and even then…)
- Government Shutdown 2013: Conservatives Lose Control of Narrative – I really do try to avoid too much politics, but the shutdown and the snippets of news I’ve heard around it have confused me. I really don’t fully understand the motivations and this article I think highlights the challenges partisan media is having trying to defend it.
- Silk Road Shutdown:
- Feds shut down Silk Road, arrest alleged admin Dread Pirate Roberts – Perfect news timing to juxtapose with the NSA intrusions – anonymity is hard, if not impossible online no matter how hard you try. People are hypothesizing the effort to shut it down was why there was the spike in tor traffic a few months ago.
- The Terrifying Fallout Of The Silk Road Shutdown – Just because it was online and user friend, the Silk Road still involved the seedy side of drugs
- FBI: Silk Road mastermind couldn’t even keep himself anonymous online – Someone who’s freedom depended on maintaining anonymity couldn’t do it. Stark reminder that you only have to slip once and the veil is pierced.
- Amid Silk Road uncertainty, Bitcoin value drops over 20% in 3 hours – Seems like either silkroad was a prime use for bitcoins or people think it was. Interesting to see what the feds do with the bitcoins they confiscated…If nothing, the supply just dropped fairly significantly.