
R Directional 3.3 Package is Out

Heatmaps of Spherical Densities in R

Last time we made contour maps of densities of points on a globe, now it is time to take another step and make heatmaps. We created all the data we needed when creating the contours, but heatmaps add new challenges of dealing with large amounts of raster and polygon data. Lets get to it. DISCLAIMER: While I know a thing or two, there’s a reasonable chance I got some things wrong or at very least there are certainly more efficient ways to go about things.

Introduction to Spherical Densities in R

It always happens… I get interested in what I think will be a small data project to scratch some itch and end up down a deep rabbit hole. In this case, a passing interest in the geographic distribution of some samples (more on that in a future post) led to a deep dive into spherical distributions and densities. DISCLAIMER: While I know a thing or two, there’s a reasonable chance I got some things wrong or at very least there are certainly more efficient ways to go about things.